Jarrah 100% Unpastuerised Honey 10+ Total Activity
Necta & Hive travel the world, carefully selecting the rarest honeys with active properties to delight your taste buds.All our honeys are 100% pure, unpasteurised and cold pressed so they retain their natural properties.TOTAL ACTIVITYThe Total Activity grading system appraises Necta & Hive’s Jarrah honey and assures purity and quality. The unique Plant Phenol quality is measured by the term Total Activity (TA), the higher the Total Activity the more active its Phenol strength.All Necta & Hive honey is independently tested by an accredited laboratory to determine Total Activity levels, giving you confidence in the integrity, traceability and quality of our honeys.JARRAHEucalyptus MarginataJarrah produces a delicious dark, syrupy honey with a caramel taste The composition of Jarrah honey is what makes this Western Australias best kept secret!The unique Plant Phenol properties measured by its Total Activity (TA) makes Jarrah honey a natural choice.